음악/성악, 합창,기타

"카를로스 구아스타비노//장미와 버드나무(La Rosa Y El Sauce) - 안나 네

나베가 2009. 6. 16. 02:44

"카를로스 구아스타비노//장미와 버드나무(La Rosa Y El Sauce) - 안나 네트렙코(sop)" 입니다~!

Carlos Guastavino (1912 - 2000) La Rosa Y El Sauce (The Rose And The Willow) 장미와 버드나무 (Francisco Silva; arr.: Guillo Espel) text La rosa y el sauce Language: Spanish La rosa se iba abriendo Abrazada al sauce, El árbol apasionada, La amaba tanto! Pero una niña coqueta Se la ha robado, Y el sauce desconsolado Le está llorando. The rose and the willow Language: English The rose was opening cleaved to the willow. The passionate tree loved it so! But a cheeky young girl took it away, and the disconsolate willow laments it so. Anna Netrebko, Soprano Emmanuel Villaume Prague Philharmonia *음원 출처(국외 사이트)