1. Kyrie - Virginitatis amator (Trope)
2. Aurea luce (Hymn for Vespers at the Feasts of Saints Peter and Paul)
3. Pange, lingua (Hymn to the Holy Cross on Good Friday)
4. Mediae noctis tempus est (Hymn for the Night Vigil)
5. Gloria, laus, et honor (Processional Hymn for Palm Sunday)
6. Lauda, Sion, Salvatorem (Sequence for Corpus Christi)
7. Alleluia, dulce carmen (Farewell to the Alleluia before Lent)
8. Mundi aetate octava (Sequence for Feasts of Saints)
9. A solis ortus cardine (Hymn for Christmas Vespers)
10. Veni, Sancte Spiritus (Sequence for Pentecost)